The step by steps if someone passed away at home

当医院联系你有关这不幸的消息。马上启程到医院处理同时联系 0122123273 喵师傅;也请交代其他家属看看需要准备的东西
0122123273 Melvin Choong once you received the news of someone pass away

Inform your hospital staff and relative that you have managed the preplanning with dedicated Nirvana Agent

Call ambulance to come to your house to certify the death

Police Report | Polis Report | 报案纸把救护车上的医护人员手写的「死因报告」带到警察局;家属(儿子)需要报个案,告诉警察家里有成员往生了。报案后督察会接见家属,之后就会手写/列印「报案纸」「葬纸」(可能需要付小费哦😯)
Bring the Certified death certificate to nearby police station to generate "Permit Mengubur" from hospital before our Service Team can transport

「报案纸」「葬纸」都拿到后,请联系 0122123273 Melvin Choong 以安排富贵关怀团队到来你的家把遗体领回富贵生命馆富贵纪念馆

Our Service Consultant will contact you to arrange the next steps and/or document needed

Arrive at either Nirvana Memorial Center, Sg Besi or Nirvana 2, KL for the preparation.
Meet me and our Nirvana Service Consultant to explain further the flow and process of the wake and funeral service
**The below stated are based on regular case only. Case may be different; therefore our Nirvana Service Consultant will advise further when they received case form Melvin Choong.

我想了解【事前规划】或 WhatsApp 0122123273